When I went to Scott Kelby's excellent Photoshop for Digital Photographers course last year, one of his stories was of spending a day photographing a Bride, and only realising later…
Yesterday evening was one of those interesting sessions at the camera club, with lots going on. Kevin, the chairman, was continuing his occasional talks on Photoshop Elements for beginners, Dave…
Just picked up some excellent training. This book and DVD takes the 'How to get this photo' chapters from Scott Kelby's "Digital Photography" series to the next level, and is…
After this morning's update of Snow Leopard I have a new icon in the dock toolbar. It's Apple trying to sell stuff, using the downloadable App model that has been…
Sometimes one gets so used to doing things one way, one forgets the old methods. For instance I'm so used to using the crop tool in photoshop, that I had…