I made it! I was up for Sunrise on New Year’s Day for the second year running, and this time I was rewarded with sun! The air was still, and mostly the sky was totally clear, but I could see this tiny patch of cloud, and drove up the valley till it was in the correct place relative to the rising sun which was still below the horizon.
I climbed the bank, and got out the long lens to focus in to the area that would be interesting…
I’m fairly pleased with the results, some toning down of the highlights in Lightroom, and a most acceptable image to add to Scot Baston’s “New Year Sunrise 2013” Flickr group
Much to my surprise and delight my image was featured in “Explore” the following day, has been viewed 1400 times and attracted 24 comments and 120 faves
As this is an unusual experience for me I was able to take a little time to “trackback” manually to these 120 or so kind folks, to if possible return the compliment
- about 5% had no public photos
- about 10% should have had no public photos, as they were all family snaps and one felt one was intruding
- 70% had interesting but unsurprising photos
- 10% had great content,
- and 5% were truly outstanding, an inspiration for me to keep trying to improve
Thank you all!
The other thing I noticed was how few look beyond the initial image to the other content of the photographer who attracts their attention — something I always do — one can see this easily with the stats that Flickr provides. I try to make a point of perusing at least the first 3 pages of a collection, though some collections I just keep going